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Peeling off the layers to reveal who we truly are

(New website coming soon)

Want to understand how our bodies work on a deeper level? 

The Shiatsu Foundation Year is the 1st of a Three Year study in Shiatsu. Here you will have the chance to look into the physical, emotional and spiritual aspects of health. You will study the 12 Classical Meridians on the body, their functions and learn Shiatsu skills to work on friends and family. This will lay a solid foundation to Years 2 and 3.

Shiatsu 3 year Level 4 Diploma Training course in Devon, UK

Online Introductory Class March 29th 10-12pm (Free)

Introductory Day May 3rd 10-5 £100

Booking onto courses are required regardless of cost


Dates; September 4,5 October 4,5 October 18, 19 November 8,9 December 6,7 January 24,25 February 7,8 March 21,22 April 18,19 May 16,17 June 6,7

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"My Shiatsu Journey with Wild Light has been life changing. I started the course with no idea of what I was getting into, I took it year by year and now Im about to finish! It has been heart opening for me, helping me to live more in balance, be a better force for the world and for myself, understand how to listen deeply, both to my own body and others. I have this wonderful philosophy to live by that gives me direction in health, true wealth and love"


The Shiatsu School is beginning a new foundation year where you can receive a Certificate in Acupressure. You will be learning and experience the 12 classical meridians from Traditional Chinese Medicine, Yin and Yang, emotional, mental, and physical causes of dis-ease.

This can also be the first of a 3 year, level 4 diploma. 

New Year 1 training beginning September 2025!


6 Week Meditation Course

Mondays - 20th January to 24th March



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