"Most of the time, people will go to numb the pain (and in some cases this is absolutely necessary) but if we can ride it, breathe into it and not fight it, we can allow something else to take place. Deep healing".
When pain strikes anywhere in the body, it is a clear sign where Ki (energy) is limiting its flow. It is being hindered in some way and then chooses to divert that area. The amazing thing is there is a jewel of wisdom laying in there waiting to be freed. Most of the time, people will go to numb the pain (and in some cases this is absolutely necessary) but if we can ride it, breathe into it and not fight it, we can allow something else to take place. Deep healing.
“I had to surrender and allow myself to be looked after and listen deeply to what my body had been trying to tell me. .”
Using the diagnostic tools of Traditional Chinese Medicine and The Five Transformations was vital to my healing.
"Be active in your healing process, not a victim to the pain".
My Story
I have very recently suffered a bulging disc between my fifth lumbar vertebrae and sacrum. My lower back swelled up, I couldn't walk on both legs or sit down as spasms of pain came when I tried to move. I began to really understand first hand what some of my clients have been through. It was agony. There was nothing I could do but yield to it.
I had ignored the signs I had been having for a year of a pulling sensation in my back and carried on. So much to do, a family to look after and work to do. There was no time, until it really showed me how to stop completely. I had to surrender and allow myself to be looked after and listen deeply to what my body had been trying to tell me.
Light Shiatsu on my lower spine calmed the spasms and took down the swelling. I was imbalanced in my Kidneys and Large Intestine (organs are not just organs in Eastern Medicine..they come with a whole understanding) and when these meridian lines were worked, a deep sense of peace would come over me. I cut foods that weren't aligned with bringing inflammation down and ate more foods that brought balance to my Kidneys and Large Intestine. Breathing exercises kept the blood and Ki flowing so I was not cutting off from this area. Being present with what emotions came up and allowing myself to cry, feel despair and naming the feelings really sped the healing process. I was feeling lack of support financially, physically, grief and a lot of fear. When I surrendered to it, something changed. Not only did my back start to turn a corner, but money started to come in, help came in the home, messages and insights from my mediation/shamanic teacher about what to do, and my back started to improve…all from the next day! This was all totally unexpected.
The road to recovery so far has taken 4 weeks but each day continues to improve.
What I am trying to say with this is, I stayed with it. I knew I had to experience this pain to unearth how I was really feeling and if I had not faced it head on, I know the pain would have taken longer to heal, or become a recurrent pattern in my life.
Its important to get to the underlying emotional layers of whats going on and although I am not out of the woods yet, I know I am where I am meant to be.