Shiatsu is not a therapy you just float off to and have a nice time. It has the ability to access the heart of you, realise what is going on and see where the grit is!
In my work, I always seek to look beneath the surface never taking things at face value.
“What keeps re-occuring in your life that you cant seem to get out of? What loop are you caught in?”
You will usually find there to be a time in your life where something happened that seemed to then trigger future events. I have had a lot of clients that have suffered abuse. The body remembers it and in many cases holds onto the memory. When meeting the body with presence and with the breath, we can encourage past events to move through and out the body creating a fresh new start.
For me, a re-occuring event in my life has been the inability to say No. I always thought it best to be polite, to do as Im told, to keep my mouth pursed shut. I would stay at peoples houses when in actual fact i didn't want to go, I would end up in a situation that I didn't want to be in because I was too quiet earlier on to say I wanted to leave, and what really got to me was after having my children, I was unable to stick up for them. On receiving shiatsu, I found that my Liver was so tight that all my anger and frustration was turning inwards. When breathing into the Liver, all sorts of things started to happen from numbness, old memories surfacing to rage! This work has continued on retreats that I have been on and have got me to access my inner lioness! There have been no regrets! I encourage you to do the same!